Rainbow treatment package

Service Description

Our body is powered by energy. The major well-known energy centers are the seven chakras which are placed in seven different points in our body. They are associated at all levels: spiritual, emotional and physical. These centers are responsible for distributing the life energy, also known as Qi or Prana. Our health can be maintained only when our system is aligned and the energy is flowing smoothly. One of the main causes for illnesses is imbalance in the flow of energy across the body through these energy centers. When the energy blockages are removed and all the cells, tissues and muscles are stimulated to be balanced to the right vibrational frequency, the process of natural healing guided by our own brain can start and you will see profound shifts in your physical and emotional health.


Total treatment consists of 7 distance healing sessions for 90 minutes each, 7 hours of prep time, 3 counseling sessions for 1 hour each and a full release session for 1 to 1.5 hours. The release session in the end will involve a complete release and cleanse to prepare the person for a new tomorrow. Each session requires a preparation time of 1 hour from the healer which includes entering the state of deep meditation before the healing, viewing and recording visions, cleanse and preparing for the consultations. Treatment will also involve assignments for the individual to self-reflect and complete.

Only a maximum of 2 sessions can be done in a week since the effect of the distance energy treatment continues in the body for 2-3 days after the session.

This 5 – 8 weeks treatment is priced at $2,222 for 22 hours of time – numerological value signifying change and transformation where the giving and receiving is in balance.

Erik Kucera offers rainbow and reiki treatment in West Palm beach

Packages: Monthly packages available at value. Please contact us for further information.


Total treatment consists of 7 distance healing sessions for 90 minutes each and 3 counseling sessions for 1 hour and a full release session for 1 to 1.5 hours. There will be a release session in the end involving a complete release and cleanse to prepare the person for a new tomorrow. Each session requires a preparation time of 1 hour from the healer which includes entering the state of deep meditation before the healing, viewing and recording visions, cleanse and preparing for the consultations. Treatment will also involve assignments for the individual to self-reflect and complete.

This is a 5 – 8 weeks treatment. Only a maximum of 2 sessions can be done in a week since the effect of the distance energy treatment continues in the body for 2-3 days after the session. The entire package is priced at $2,222 – numerological value signifying change and transformation where the giving and receiving is in balance.

Each treatment will target one energy center and also on aligning the whole-body balance The 7 healing treatments of 90 minutes consists of three parts:

a. Vibrational readjustment of the frequency

In essence we are energy and our thoughts are vibrations. Our mind is limitless but has become foggy by our worries, fears, regrets and negative emotions. The treatment balances the entire body, mind and spirit to the right vibrational frequency. The therapy comprises electro vibrational stimulation on specific attuned frequency to align the body for the natural self-healing process to begin.

b. Light treatment

This part of the treatment emanates streams of light and positivity to your body. The vibrational light frequency transmitted to your body will penetrate the fine channels related to the whole nervous system and nourish the entire body. You may be able to even experience the visual and vibrational effect in a state of meditation.

A dynamic holistic process of inside out change that treats the body, mind, intellect and spirit together to achieve healing and fulfillment in life.

Non-Linear Healing Solutions

c. Chromatic reflection

During the treatment many times certain colors are projected as a vision. These specific colors reflecting different messages are an indicator of the physical conditions and mental beliefs/fears that cause diseases. In each healing session an alternative color is applied to balance the corresponding chakra. We treat these negative energies and readjust the frequency to overwrite the misalignment, clear the energy channels and accelerate the rejuvenation. Spiritual Counseling: The treatment package will include 3 counseling sessions for 30-45 minutes: one after the first, one in the middle and one after the last. Counselling will focus on two aspects: 1) Interpretation of the intuitive visions seen during the treatment on the imbalance and 2) what you want to work on.

The therapy will evoke a deeper connection with your inner self and make you aware of your needs, fears and blockages and bring a new understanding of your inner world. Solutions in many areas of your life will come to surface and your brain will unlock parts of the subconscious mind that influence your daily behavior.

Effects / benefits

• This amazing transformational therapy benefits people with ailments and the healthy.
• The seven treatments will provide complete rejuvenation to the body and mind. It is a complete recharge of your own source of vital force energy and you will feel like a new person having a fresh start to life
• It will remove the blockages from your energy channels to allow the energy to flow smoothly, nourish your nervous system and allow the body to self-heal.
• At the spiritual level, with the attunement to a natural vibrational state, your reflection inside out will change and you will attract different circumstances in your life.
• You will be more emotionally balanced. Peaceful and calm state of mind will be dominant.
• The spiritual counseling will analyze the healer’s visions and your circumstances and unlock part of your subconscious to provide you with solutions for improving your life
• Finally the release session will help you completely release the fears, negativities and circumstances faced in the past to start a new chapter in your life.
• Distance is no limitation for this remote treatment and it will be done with you having a comfort of your own home

“The whole beauty of the Universe is in us, when we can attune ourselves to see it and share it. We can call it unconditional love and selflessness. Only unity of our mind, body, and spirit can bring this symphony that we can experience and share. Like a water drop, through the warming sunlight reflects all the colors of the Rainbow, what are you giving and reflecting?”


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